Lowest Cap Rate
Lowest Cap Rate over past 24 months
Average Cap Rate
12 mo avg with 3+ yr lease term
Average Cap Rate calculated if 3+ comps are available over past 12 months
Quarter Cap Rate
Average Cap Rate over previous quarter
Average Quarter Cap Rates calculated over prior full quarter, irrespective of term length
With over 900 locations covering 18 states, Zaxby’s is growing rapidly. Known for their fried chicken and delicious sauces, Zaxby’s has amassed a loyal following since their beginnings in 1990. As of December 2020, Zaxby’s has just sold a stake of their company to Goldman Sachs to help fuel an expansion plan. The NNN property relieves the landlord of all responsibility, a 20-year lease with 1-5, 5 year options after the base term, and rent escalations that tend to vary from lease to lease. As for the physical real estate of the locations, they can usually always be found in shopping centers, retail corridors, and on corners of intersections.
Property & Lease
Sales Price Range$2,000,000 - $3,500,000
NOI Range$100,000 - $175,000
Building SF3,500
Lease Term20 Years
Stock SymbolCAPITALCOM:US500
Credit Rating
Cap Rate By Region
Average regional cap rates calculated over past 24 months, irrespective of term length
*Regional cap rates calculated from sales data available over the past 24 months, irrespective of remaining term.
Financial Fundamentals
- Overview
- Cap Rate By Region
Recent Sales Comps
Sumter, SC6.25%
Myrtle Beach, SC6.25%
Tooele, UT7.52%
Top Consumer Traffic
Florence, SC603,600
Lake City, FL586,200
Waycross, GA572,200
Provided by Placer.ai
*Indicates ranking may be skewed due to limited data