Lowest Cap Rate
Lowest Cap Rate over past 24 months
Average Cap Rate
12 mo avg with 5+ yr lease term
Average Cap Rate calculated if 3+ comps are available over past 12 months
Quarter Cap Rate
Average Cap Rate over previous quarter
Chipotle Mexican grill, founded in 1993 with over 2,500 locations across the country, is currently operating in the fast-casual, fresh Mexican food market. Serving up burritos, tacos, salads and many more flavorful items, Chipotle prides themselves on using the freshest ingredients in the market. In fact, in 2017 Chipotle became the only national restaurant brand to refrain from using added colors, flavors or preservatives in their food. From 2018-2019, Chipotle saw a 14.8% increase in revenue totaling a revenue of $5.6 billion in 2019. Chipotle usually offers a 15-year lease with rent escalations of 10% every 5 years. The prototypical Chipotle location is approximately 3,000 SF.
Property & Lease
Sales Price Range$3,000,000 - $4,500,000
NOI Range$125,000 - $175,000
Building SF3,000
Lease Term15 Years
Escalations10% Every 5 Years
Stock SymbolNYSE:CMG
Credit Rating
Cap Rate By Region
*Regional cap rates calculated from sales data available over the past 24 months, irrespective of remaining term.
Financial Fundamentals
- Overview
- Cap Rate By Region
- Financial Fundamentals
- Stock Analysis
Recent Sales Comps
Gaffney, SC5.54%
Nogales, AZ5.75%
Minneola, FL4.40%
Top Consumer Traffic
Medina, OH475,400
Stockton, CA427,500
Decatur, GA422,500
Provided by Placer.ai
*Indicates ranking may be skewed due to limited data