Lowest Cap Rate
Lowest Cap Rate over past 24 months
Average Cap Rate
12 mo avg with 5+ yr lease term
Average Cap Rate calculated if 3+ comps are available over past 12 months
Quarter Cap Rate
Average Cap Rate over previous quarter
Average Quarter Cap Rates calculated over prior full quarter, irrespective of term length
Arby’s is a quick service restaurant, owned by Inspire Brands (Roark Capital Group) known for sandwiches and curly fries. Currently Arby’s has over 3,300 locations and is the second largest sandwich chain only behind Subway. Arby’s also has plans to expand and open up an additional 400 locations by 2025. The prototypical restaurant is on average 3,000 square feet with a drive thru, on 1 acre of land. The lease term and escalations vary but in general investors can expect to have a 20 year lease term with escalations of up to 10% every 5 years.
Property & Lease
Sales Price Range$1,250,000 - $2,000,000
NOI Range$90,000 - $140,000
Building SF3,000
Lease Term20 Years
Escalations10% Every 5 Years
Stock SymbolCAPITALCOM:US500
Credit Rating
Cap Rate By Region
Average regional cap rates calculated over past 24 months, irrespective of term length
*Regional cap rates calculated from sales data available over the past 24 months, irrespective of remaining term.
Financial Fundamentals
- Overview
- Cap Rate By Region
Recent Sales Comps
Graham, NC6.59%
Greensboro, NC5.64%
Aberdeen, SD6.00%
Top Consumer Traffic
Mechanicsville, VA596,200
Belle, WV514,800
Canyon Country, CA499,800
Provided by Placer.ai
*Indicates ranking may be skewed due to limited data