Lowest Cap Rate
Lowest Cap Rate over past 24 months
Average Cap Rate
12 mo avg with 5+ yr lease term
Average Cap Rate calculated if 3+ comps are available over past 12 months
Quarter Cap Rate
Average Cap Rate over previous quarter
LA Fitness is a leader in the health fitness industry. Currently, LA Fitness has 700 fitness clubs across the United States and in Canada. In these clubs, LA Fitness gives its members access to a full gym and pools and sauna amenities. LA Fitness is usually the anchor tenant in busy shopping centers driving business to that specific location. LA Fitness generally offers a long lease term of around 15 years with a rent escalation of 10% every 5 years. The average square footage of these locations is anywhere from 35,000-45,000 square feet. In 2020, LA Fitness began rebranding some of its locations as Esporta Fitness.
Property & Lease
Sales Price Range$10,000,000 - $15,000,000
NOI Range$700,000 - $900,000
Building SF35,000 - 45,000
Lease Term15 Years
Escalations10% Every 5 Years
Stock SymbolCAPITALCOM:US500
Credit Rating
Cap Rate By Region
*Regional cap rates calculated from sales data available over the past 24 months, irrespective of remaining term.
Financial Fundamentals
- Overview
- Cap Rate By Region
Recent Sales Comps
Pawtucket, RI8.78%
Pompano Beach, FL6.58%
Parsippany, NJ6.00%
Top Consumer Traffic
Irvine, CA923,500
Valencia, CA908,400
Van Nuys, CA899,300
Provided by Placer.ai
*Indicates ranking may be skewed due to limited data